Does anyone else ever just feel like their world is spinning out of control? That's how I'm feeling right about now - just too, too much going on in my life lately.
![]() | God grant me the serenity Living one day at a time; Reinhold Niebuhr |
Then there are times like this week - and yes, it's only Tuesday, not a good sign. Times when I feel like I have no control over ANYTHING, and I feel spazzed out and like I'm just turning in circles and waiting for the next phone call, or letter, or email to tell me something ELSE has happened that - yes - I can't control! It's not worry, I don't really worry so much anymore. It's just a feeling of helplessness - of too much work at the end of the year, too much craziness with the holidays that have become just....too much, children growing up and out and making mistakes, and parents being sick and dying and family that I don't even know being the only lifeline I have between the past and the near future and ... it makes no sense, I know. That's why I'm feeling so frazzled. I like things to make sense!!!
But now I sit here, thinking I just figured I'd write a blog entry since I haven't in a few days. I started typing the first thing that came to mind. I went to trusty Google to look up a verse, and I realize that has God used this time - right now, tonight, as I sit here feeling like my life is spinning out of control. He allowed me to come upon that particular version on Google, the version with the second part instead of the other "516,000 results for serenity prayer" that only have the first verse.
I can feel him saying "Take a deep breath. It's ok. You don't have to spin with it all...just come sit awhile with me and let me do what I'm doing in your life - with you, for you, and because of you. I have a plan."
if I surrender to His Will.
Amen, girl, amen :) I wish you joy and PEACE this most Holy season :)
Phyllis Adelle Sherer in SC
Delle Sherer on Facebook
I felt like you do last week.
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