Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Holy Lost-a-Year, Batman!

So...somehow I seem to have gone over a year without posting on this blog - make that 2 years!  In my defense, it's been a VERY busy couple of years here!  We gained THREE new grandbabies in that time, which I am LOVING!  My son married a  lovely young lady who had a 2 year-old (now 4yo), my stepson and his wife had a son, and my daughter had a son!  So now we have FOUR grand-blessings that are absolutely the lights of our life!  We couldn't love them more if we tried.  

I was also diagnosed with Chronic Lyme Disease and have been in and out of treatment for that, which I may talk about more here as time goes on.  It's been a whirlwind of learning new terms, more medical jargon that I thought I'd EVER use (even working for a doctor!), and vacillating between feeling horrible and "Eh, ok" depending on the hour/day.  More on that later...

Anyway, just thought I'd pop over and see if this blog was still here (thanks for holding my spot, Google!) and say hi to those still hanging around. I'm seriously amazed that I'm still getting hits here after this long of a break!  *mindblown*  Anyway, thank you!!