Monday, August 03, 2009

Have you Habakkuk?

First off: I am NOT a morning person, and usually hit the snooze button at least 5-10 times before getting out of bed. My 16yo daughter now has to wake ME up in the mornings for school (to take her, not myself). I tell her it's just my body's way of resting up after 21 years of getting up at 4-6am for kids. ;)

Anyway, I just committed to joining the 5:16 Gals yesterday - and this morning I was WIDE awake, tossing & turning, thinking it was probably about 3am...finally looked at the clock, and it was 5:15am.

How good is my GOD???

I got up and read Habakkuk - had been feeling led to read this itty-bitty book for days. Got some amazing insight when I did!