Friday, July 24, 2009

A new (ad)venture!

So, I've been talking for awhile with a friend of mine (actually my niece's stepsister) about her home-based business. I really HATE selling things - which is why my Avon and Tupperware businesses went kaput. LOL I'm just not a salesperson, I don't like to pressure people (not that all Avon & Tupperware people do!), and I loathe having home "parties" to sell stuff to my friends and family that they don't really need - just so I can get some freebies. That said, I have been known to attend many such parties - and I'm a sucker for a great smelling candle or new storage container! :)

Most work-at-home jobs are in sales, as we all know. Been there, tried them. Don't like 'em. I wanted to work with a company that makes a difference in the world. I'm trying to make our home as green as possible, and this company is SO earth-friendly and environmentally-conscious! I just love that. This is truly a company I can be proud of and enjoy working with.

With my job in somewhat of a precarious state due to the economy, I am VERY happy to have found out about this opportunity to make some extra cash from home, and possibly replace my existing income and work at home full time - which is what my friend has done in just the past few months! I've already met my great team that is helping me to get up and running. So excited!!!

If you want to know more about this, just click on my banner and click "Get more info" and I will contact you - NOT a telemarketer or some sales agent. And yes, I have set up a website already - as I said, I'm not a salesperson, but I AM a very proud geek! ; )