I know you've all just been *dying* to know why it's been so long since I've blogged...so here's a re-cap of the past month or so:
I'm working feverishly on my Patriotic Quilt for a special Marine (see below). So far, I have 10 blocks completed and 4 more cut and in the process of sewing.
I have until mid-November to finish it to Queen-size. Eek!! I'd better double-up my efforts!
A dear friend and part of our family went to Marine Boot Camp at Parris Island.
We are SO proud of Matt and all that he has accomplished already. It's funny how even something as simple as texting someone is so important when you're no longer able to, and how much you miss them. But...I know he's doing a GREAT job at boot camp and showing all the other recruits how it's done! :) (yes, this is who the quilt is for)
Let's see...there was the 2-room makeover. I can't remember if I blogged about that or not, but let's just say it was a longer process than I'd thought it would be! We painted and redecorated the living room and my daughter's room, and I would never have thought my house would be such a WRECK for weeks! But the results are fabulous and we're loving the updated look!
Oh! Hubby and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary last week!
We're taking a cruise the end of this month, and can't wait! I was really not wanting to spend all that $ on something so frivolous. I wanted us to do something for others instead. We are SO incredibly blessed, and there are so many out there hurting and in need...I just didn't feel right about going on a luxurious vacation while others were going without their basic neccessities. Mind you, this is not something that just came to me out of the goodness of my heart - I literally felt kicked in the gut one morning at church and super-convicted about it. But Hubby was insistent about wanting to do this cruise so...
Of course, God worked it all out as He always does! Instead of sailing out of Florida as we did on our first cruise, we're going out of New Orleans. This opened up the path for us to visit Desire for Change - a daycare that a lady runs in her basement for needy children. A group from our church went on a mission trip to NOLA over the summer, and this was one of the places that they spent time helping. I can't wait to meet Miss Dwana and do what we can to help them fill some needs there. We'll spend an extra day or two in NOLA before and after our cruise, and will be looking for ways to serve there however we can.
I asked my friends "Is it crazy that I'm more excited about visiting the Ninth Ward in New Orleans than I am about the cruise??"
My daughter started her Senior Year of high school. ~sobbing~ How did THAT happen??? She's the baby, and I have no idea what to do with myself now... Just yesterday, she was toddling around aggravating her big brothers, and now she's just an incredibly amazing young lady. But I'm still wondering where the years went...!?!?
There's plenty more, but suffice it to say I've been swamped. I'm SO looking forward to cooler weather and snuggling up with my sewing basket in the upcoming months.
What have you been doing during the last month of summer? Hope you've had a great one and are looking forward to Fall! I know I am! My favorite time of year...
'til next time...