Thursday, July 22, 2010

Desperately Seeking Quilting Advice!

I have some questions for my fellow quilters
and would love to hear your opinions if you have a moment…
(pretty please with a charm pack on top??)

Binding -
Do you buy premade "quilt binding" tape or make your own? I've only used the premade stuff - well, I've only binded one quilt so...yeah, I used the premade because I had no idea what else to do!

If you make your own - how???

Batting -
What's you favorite kind? I already know the cheap stuff at Walmart isn't worth the gas to drive there. But I'm at a loss in craft/quilting shops, there are SO many types and brands to choose from!

Fabrics -
Do you always pre-wash?? I've read multiple opinions on this and I'll admit that I have been working on a quilt top that I am deathly afraid is going to bleed like CRAZY when I wash it (it's all red/white/navy blue fabrics and I didn't know better when I started it).

I know you can add a little vinegar or salt to the wash to "set" the colors - does this work with brand new fabrics??

I'm sure I'll have many more questions along this quilting journey. And I SO appreciate you experienced folks who share such a wealth of information via your own blogs! They have all helped me immeasurably!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

GREAT New Deals & Freebies!

Print FREE Grocery Coupons at Home

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Support victims of domestic violence when you Tweet!

Thought you would be interested to know that The Allstate Foundation is partnering with the YWCA to support economic empowerment for domestic violence survivors by donating $1 for all tweets that include #Tweet4YWCA.

#Tweet4YWCA Campaign Details:

Please visit tweet your support for domestic violence survivors

The Allstate Foundation is donating $1 to the YWCA for every tweet that includes #Tweet4YWCA, up to $75,000

Please tweet #Tweet4YWCA through July 16, and encourage your Tweeps to do the same

On Tuesday 7/13 and Thursday 7/15 we are doubling the donation and donating $2 for every tweet that day

The Allstate Foundation supports domestic violence survivors through providing resources targeted to build financial independence and educating the public on how hard it is for people to leave an abusive relationship without economic resources. The YWCA was selected as the partner for this program because the YWCA has been in the forefront of most major movements in the United States, and is a pioneer in the empowerment of women, including economic empowerment.

For more information on #Tweet4YWCA, and to join the conversation now, please visit:

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Classes and weddings and homecomings - Oh my!

To say I've been busy lately is quite an understatement. Yesterday alone I had the three things in the subject line to do, plus fitting in time for a much-needed haircut & brow waxing! Oh yeah, I think I was supposed to eat a little in between events, as well...but I kinda forgot to do that except for a cheeseburger at 3pm. : /

But I digress...

I'm still in full-on Quilting Addiction Mode. I try to work on something every evening, if possible (translation: if I can overcome the guilt of "neglecting" my husband & 17yo daughter, who probably couldn't care less that I'm in the sewing room anyway). I had another quilt class yesterday, and I just love those Saturday mornings! It's a small group, I think we had 6 yesterday, and the best teacher EVER. She is so, so patient and kind with everyone. You can see her love of the art shine through, and she's so encouraging to this newbie.

The other ladies are so sweet, as well. One is a 'girl' I went to church with many years ago. We were in youth group together, but lost touch as we grew older. I think we were both surprised to see one another in a quilting class, of all places! (we had a rather "colorful" time during our youth group years and have lots of chuckles reminiscing...I just wonder what the other ladies think when they hear us! LOL) We're both fairly new quilters, so we have fun bouncing off one another and helping each other out. We're also just a *tad* competitive about it, which gives me more determination to finish projects! ;)

Another is the teacher's mother-in-law, and she is such a sweet lady! She is always offering suggestions and tips and tricks for me to try, and is also so encouraging. I don't know the others as well, but the whole group is so great and I'm so glad I found the class. I just wish we had it more than once a month. I'm hinting around to our instructor about a Quilting Bee, though. ;)

After the class, and squeezing in the haircut & waxing, I headed to the locally owned, infamous fast-food joint - Pete's. They have THE BEST burgers ever. Seriously. They are like perfection on a bun. My brother and little nephew came to town after being in Hawaii for 3 years (bro is in the military), and the first place they wanted to visit at 'home' was Pete's. Nephew said today that "Pete's isn't good for you...but it sure is good!" It was awesome to see them both! I can't believe how big Titus has gotten - he's so tall! I guess they do that from 5-8 years old, though. :) They are here for the whole week before heading off to brother's next station, so hopefully we can spend lots of time together this week. :) :)

Then ~whew~ we went to one of, if not THE, most beautiful wedding ceremonies I've ever attended. A dear friend's daughter was the bride, and hubby and I were handling the technical stuff for them (video and audio). The ceremony was absolutely the most sweet, Spirit-filled thing ever. She is a school teacher who met her Youth Pastor hubby a few years ago, and they have been ministering together ever since. This is one of their engagement photos... I didn't notice the rain until I read the photographer's comments about the shoot. It started raining during their session, but they just kept shooting. He named their session "The Notebook" because of this picture... just beautiful!

I wish them a long lifetime of incredible love and success. They are truly an amazingly beautiful couple, inside and out! <3

So, that's why I haven't been blogging. Just been a little busy puttering around... I'm sure you'll all so glad you just wasted a perfectly good 5 minutes reading this babbling. ;)

Thursday, July 08, 2010

Moms of Tweens/Teens - win 4 tix to Teen Choice Awards & more!!

Ok all you Jonas Bros fans, BeLiebers, etc... Check out this chance to win a super trip for your family and other neato stuff like an iPad, official Teen Choice Surfboard, laptop, and more! Michelle, I know you your kids want to go!

Invisalign Teen is proud to be working with FOX as a sponsor of TEEN CHOICE 2010 and will be presenting the "Choice Smile Award" during the show. As an extension of its relationship, Invisalign Teen has launched the Straight to Stardom Sweepstakes with a grand prize VIP package for four to TEEN CHOICE 2010 in Los Angeles and other prizes.

Fans ages 13-19 can vote once each day for their favorite TEEN CHOICE 2010 nominees at
But HURRY! Deadline to Enter: July 11, 2010

The winner will receive a VIP trip for 4 to the Teen Choice Awards 2010!

The grand prize includes:
* Trip for 4 to attend Teen Choice 2010, including air, hotel, and transportation
* 4 Post-Show VIP Party Tickets
* 2 Flip Cameras

Runner up prizes include:
• iPad
• Laptop computer
• 3 iPod touch mobile digital devices
• Authentic Teen Choice 2010 surfboard
Total Approximate Retail Value of all prizing is $10,000.00!

TEEN CHOICE 2010 will celebrate the hottest teen icons in film, television, music, sports and fashion in the choicest, star-studded two-hour event airing Monday, Aug. 9 (8:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. Additionally, Invisalign Teen® will join Dr. Pepper as an official sponsor of the star-studded special for the first time.

This Sweepstakes is open only to legal residents of all 50 United States (not including territories and possessions) and the District of Columbia. Entrants must be aged 14 and older for entry. You may enter ONLINE DAILY by visiting the Invisalign “Teen Choice 2010” Sweepstakes page at completing all information requested on the entry form and clicking on the “submit” button to complete the entry process. ALL ONLINE ENTRIES MUST BE RECEIVED BY 11:59:59 PM (EDT) ON July 11, 2010.

Enter to Win:

Full sweepstakes rules:

Fill your mailbox with freebies!

By now, you all know I’m ALL about finding the deals and freebies. Well, I have to tell you about a great site that I’ve found that has THE most up-to-date printable coupons for local and online store, free stuff, and printable grocery coupons!

I have gotten SO many free samples and great coupons from MySavings – there’s something nice about opening the mailbox and having free goodies instead of (or well…along with) bills. I’ve gotten make-up samples, pet food and treats, baby stuff (for friends and family – back up there, no more babies for me!), OTC medication samples…you get the picture.

So what are you waiting for?? Head over to and start getting great stuff – all for FREE!

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Need a fix? Read on...

I wish I could take credit for this funny post, but I found it on The Curious Quilter (which I highly recommend you follow!). Can anyone else relate?? Don't judge. ;)

Secret Dealings

“How will I know you?”

“Hey, I’m the one with the goods. How will I know YOU?”

“Green car, brown hair, glasses, and a red sweater. Will it be DISCRETE?”

“Yeah, in a garbage bag.”

I was there first. The guy mowing the lot behind the store looked at me oddly as I parked by the dumpsters. Someone brought some items out to the trash and asked me if I needed help. She eyed me warily, commented that the dumpsters were for store use only (did she see the garbage bag in back?) Two people peeked out a back window of the store. A red pickup drove by. Finally a small green car pulled up, a woman stepped out, peered around, then walked over. The deal was done quickly. She could hardly wait to break the bag open, but managed to only peek.

And then she proceeded to tell me how her husband would object if he knew she was buying this. She will have to sneak it in while he is at work and hide it in the basement. I knew she was a true addict. She had layers of her life concealed from her family; avoidance and denial were helping her ‘hide’ her addiction. I was her enabler, her dealer, bringing her a fix.

Driving home, I felt like it. My dining room table was covered with bits measured and ready to package. I had plastic bags of every size ready to be filled. There was a higher demand for it than I had expected. Most my buyers came to me, but sometimes, like today, we split the distance and met in between.

Stash Bags in Every Size.

Stash bags in every size are stacked around my home.

I deal in stash. If you follow my blog, you know I have been on a quest to reduce my fabric stash, and have been purging, donating, selling, and occassionally even throwing bits of fabric away. After living in one home for a three decades, and inheriting stashes from relatives, well, I am buried in it. Time to move some on to others.

Mostly these are small deals. Sets of fabric squares, gallon bags of tiny scraps. But occassionally, like today, I pack up an entire garbage bag full of fabric pieces large and small. These I pop on Craigslist. I figure that other addicts, pardon me, quilters, will pay a few dollars to get take home a veritable “fabric exploring adventure” and help out a grossly underemployed peer at the same time.

I meet some very interesting sewers this way, and hear some fascinating reasons for wanting the instant fabric stash. One is making charity quilts, another is just starting and has no stash of her own. Someone is trying to make various bags and pockets for use on wheelchairs, another person sews clothes for dogs. Most just want more fabric to play with. Some become repeat customers.

But I am struck by the fact that all but two of my ‘junkies’ are sincerely plotting ways to hide their ‘score’ from loved ones. The will sneak it in, bury it away, only pulling out bits and pieces when needed while acting as though it had been there forever. Even this great bargain, certainly not a huge extravagance, is to remain a secret.

And the two who are not clandestine buyers? I am happy to say one has become a good friend. I know her husband might roll his eyes at the whole thing occassionally, but he knows it is a real outlet for her. The other one was a real surprise, after all these secretive women. The husband of a quilter, buying for his wife. She was laid off from work, money was tight, but he wanted to give her spirit a lift with something she would enjoy.

Is this sense of secrecy a reality for many of you? Do you too ‘sneak’ in purchases? Do family members roll their eyes when you come home delighted with your new fabrics or notions? Or do they support you in your passion for quilting, sewing, fabric collection, whatever part of the craft that you love?

Thanks to The Curious Quilter for this chuckle today!!

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

My First Quilt-Along!

My hubby has officially declared me addicted to sewing. I think because I took some - just a few! - sewing supplies to the beach with me over the 4th of July vacation. Sadly, I didn't get to clip anything - I was too busy reading...about quilting. I bought a few quilting mags and brought along a binder full of information I've printed out online about ... well... quilting... OK! I'll admit it! Guilty as charged. ~Did I mention that I also listened to The Quilter's Apprentice books-on-cd on the way to and from the beach?~

But anyway, it could be worse...right? Just because my home office has now become a sewing room and vaguely resembles a fabric store (though not quite as organized)...that's not a BAD thing.

Today I joined my first virtual Quilt-Along! I'm pretty stoked about it, just because I'll learn some new blocks and it's geared specifically to newbies. I think I may be outgrowing newbie stage already, though, since I did look at the first few blocks and thought "Wow, that's too easy..." ~hee!~

Maybe the fact that I'm blogging about quilting work... is wrong. So I'd better get busy so I can get home and... umm....yeah. :)